I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas & that the New Year has started wonderfully for you all. The holidays are always a busy time, and writing has kept me from posting regularly as well. I hope I'm forgiven :o)
Due to scheduling issues, that have now been resolved, I have NEW release dates for the continuing stories of the DCS series. The NEW release dates are...
- CAPTIVE SPIRIT -- November 23, 2010
- CAPTIVE SOUL -- December 28, 2010
- CAPTIVE HEART -- January 25, 2011
Still a bit of time yet, but I think everyone will find they were worth the wait. Any changes in the schedule again -- and I only hope that if there is a change, it will be with sooner release dates -- I'll keep everyone posted asap. Keep your fingers crossed that there will be no further delays!!
I always love to hear from my readers. Feel free to email me anytime at windsoranna@yahoo.com
I wish everyone a wonderful year ahead!
Stay safe, stay warm and be happy.